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The Entrepreneur Exposure



The Entrepreneur Exposure

Since 2008 many individuals who found themselves out of work or downsized due to the unexpected economic recession looked diligently for work in order to sustain themselves or ventured into the world of self-employment. I would prefer to call it an entrepreneurship opportunity.

If you happen to be one of those individuals who is freelancing, consulting, self-employed or an independent contractor I have some advice that may help you.

First speak with your tax consultant. You need to set up your business as a sole proprietor, individual, LLC etc., to avoid any problems with the IRS. Second you may need a business license although some home-based businesses may be exempt. Check with the city or county depending on your jurisdiction.

And most importantly speak with an independent insurance agent for advice on what types of insurance you will need to operate your business. This will help to legitimize and bring confidence and credibility to your potential clients/customers.

You are legally responsible for products or services you provide to your clients. We can help you determine what insurance coverage you may need and what it will cost you. If you hire an employee were you aware you are responsible for any injuries that occur to them while in your employment?

Respond to this blog with any question’s you may have so that we can earn the right to do business with you. If you currently are insured consider us for a second opinion on your current insurance coverage’s. Visit us at

Joe Hernandez, ARM, AAI



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